the most lovely day...

“You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep
because reality is finally better than your dreams.”
- Dr. Seuss
My Wedding - Captured by Matthew Dejesus {Pedantic Foodie}

That quote has come to mind so many times over the past year, but it was never more true than the night before my wedding.  When giddiness took over exhaustion and I realized that my life was on the verge of changing forever. 

Today marks one month.  How that is possible I could not tell you.  My mind cannot even really process that statement.  I am not sure what has happened over the past four weeks, only that they have been truly splendid and I would live them all over again in a heartbeat...if only I could.

My Wedding - Captured by Matthew Dejesus {Pedantic Foodie}

 It's all very emotional.  

That is the only answer I can really give at this point.  That is not to say that I am crying all the time.  I am actually continuing with life much like it has always been this way, but if I stop and think, the only sensation is one of being entirely overwhelmed.  Overwhelmed with joy, thankfulness, excitement, gratitude, and a dull ache for what has been lost.  As I said, it's emotional.  For now, as I still try to process all that has happened, photographs can communicate far more than words.  

I cannot stop staring at our pictures.  They just arrived Monday and I have never loved images more than I love these.  I never want to stop remembering the incredible feelings of that incredible day.  Not ever.  This Thanksgiving, I will have many blessings to give thanks for, but right now, as I gaze with blissful contentment at this computer screen, I am most thankful for the privilege of having moments in time forever frozen through images.  

So, here they are.  Our wedding day, or at least a glimpse of it. 

My Wedding - Captured by Matthew Dejesus {Pedantic Foodie}

Pumpkin Chai for the bride, please and thank you. 

My Wedding - Captured by Matthew Dejesus {Pedantic Foodie}

These are princess shoes.  Princess shoes that were bought one size too large, but I was determined to wear them regardless because they were just about the most beautiful slippers I have ever seen. 

My Wedding - Captured by Matthew Dejesus {Pedantic Foodie}

I believe this was the moment where she finally realized who I was marrying.  Up until that moment she had thought Mr. Pedantic was simply my assistant.  I'm not saying she was wrong... 

My Wedding - Captured by Matthew Dejesus {Pedantic Foodie}

If you are feeling down, look into the mind of a three-year-old.  Things are far simpler there. 

My Wedding - Captured by Matthew Dejesus {Pedantic Foodie}

We would like to give you a sneak peak of our latest album, "Ashlyn & The Glitterets."

My Wedding - Captured by Matthew Dejesus {Pedantic Foodie}


My Wedding - Captured by Matthew Dejesus {Pedantic Foodie}

Glitter skirts.  Dear friends.  Precious memories. 

Something old.  My great grandmother's mink stole. 

Something new.  The dress that I never wanted to take off.

Something borrowed.  My mother's necklace from her own wedding day.

Something blue.  My garter, made by my very talented aunt. 

My Wedding - Captured by Matthew Dejesus {Pedantic Foodie}

All the heart eyes. 

My Wedding - Captured by Matthew Dejesus {Pedantic Foodie}

One last hug for our smallest of friends. 

My Wedding - Captured by Matthew Dejesus {Pedantic Foodie}

We did. 

My Wedding - Captured by Matthew Dejesus {Pedantic Foodie}
My Wedding - Captured by Matthew Dejesus {Pedantic Foodie}

Happily ever after. 

My Wedding - Captured by Matthew Dejesus {Pedantic Foodie}


Pedantic Foodie

All photographs were captured by the very talented Matthew Dejesus.  He has frozen so many moments of our lives in time through his incredible work and we will be forever grateful.